The working hours of people are soaring, productivity and quality of work is diving down compelling organizations and HRs to find ways how to encourage employees to unplug and recharge. As we wait for the pandemic to get over with the news of “vaccination is a good year away”.
With such an uncertain environment, organizations have been moving to ‘Thinking like a Candidate’ modes to help relieve anxieties across the board by pre-empting requirements in a remote set-up.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said: ‘Always do what you are afraid to do.’ And this rule seems a reasonably good guide for self-improvement.
The HR function has become the focus of every organization. The human impact of COVID-19
Amidst the lockdown, many of us must have realized that we must reminisce and rediscover our own selves. Restricted within the four walls of our homes with severely curtailed movements, the pent-up energies were not always very positive. The joy, warmth and happiness seemed to be eluding sometimes and I remembered, "Please don’t mind! I am in a bit of a mood.”